5TH Grade 1953 - 1954,  Teacher:  Mrs. Roland
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Front Row:  Jim Shaffer, Bill Cigich, Russ Milbrodt, Louise B?, Jack Brannan, Dick McKnight, Sharon Bertle, Carol Downs, Lynn Welker, Tim Russ, Jimmy Flanigan, Cheryl Blackburn;

Second Row: Barbara Keefer, Gene Marlot, Carol Kross, Mary Kay Antle, Marlene Tolbert, Bill Parker, Barbara McDonald, Darlene Hykes, Nancy Schlarb?, Barbara Edwards, Nancy Hall, Mrs. Roland, Ken Hartwick;

Third Row:  Lila Reynolds, Marlena Meyers, Sharon Lashinsky, Jim Handschmacher, Ava Stunz, Shirley Matheson, Dorothy Miller, Tom Hinderer, Dick LeMasters, Edna Hughes, Dick Fink, Chuck Nickolson
----Names listed below picture----
Hits since June 20, 2001